HUB = Healing, Unifying, and Building

Peace Neighborhood HUB Community Resource Center
On June 21st, 2023, Peace took ownership of an 8,000 square foot property on 2.1 acres in Ypsilanti Township—donated by long-time community partner Zion Lutheran Church. Zion’s goal was to transfer ownership to a trusted and experienced organization who can serve and help strengthen the surrounding community—an area of Washtenaw County with prominent racial disparities in income/poverty, educational attainment, economic opportunity, housing and food insecurity.
Peace is currently working with Quinn Evans Architects and Phoenix Contractors to transform the space into a full-service community resource center that can provide residents who live in the Gault, Sugarbrook, and West Willow neighborhoods the same kind of 360° wraparound support that Peace has provided families for over 52+ years.
We know that there is great need in Ypsilanti. Over 70% of the emergency assistance requests Peace receives each year come from Ypsilanti’s two zip codes.
We also know from experience that a successful community center should provide three essential ingredients:
- A trusted, safe, and welcoming place that builds important connections with the surrounding community;
- Equitable access to the resources, tools, and opportunities to help people reach their goals; and
- A portfolio of interconnected programs & services that can provide in-depth, 360° wraparound support to help people improve their lives.
A key to Peace’s long-term success has always been to listen and work alongside those we serve — and to collaborate with community partners.
Over the last two years, Peace has been deeply immersed in an ongoing discovery phase — connecting with community residents, community leaders and elected officials, and potential community partners. What we’ve learned has helped guide Peace’s approach to developing the HUB. We have plans to partner with local agencies who already serve Ypsilanti residents and who can bring vital programs & services to the HUB to help support people close to where they live.

As the lead agency, Peace will provide a newly renovated full-service community center—with the organizational systems and infrastructure to help scale partner agencies’ programs & services. Peace will also provide a small staff onsite at the HUB to support individualized case management services, a full-service food pantry and commercial kitchen, and a range of community programs and services. Our HUB Coalition and community partners will provide a range of programming and services:
- Individualized case management to connect residents to vital community resources;
- After-School Youth Programs and Mentorship;
- Access to Workforce Programs and Employment Skills Training;
- Housing Support Services;
- Programs and activities for seniors
- A full-service Food Pantry to provide greater access to nutritious food;
- Weekly Community Meals;
- Violence Prevention Programming;
- Community Events & Neighborhood Meetings; and
- Community Gardens

Project Timeline
- July 2022 – Present: Ongoing Discovery to connect with Ypsilanti residents, elected officials, community leaders, and local agencies to listen & learn.
- Aug, 2023: Interior Demolition & Environmental Remediation
- Sept, 2023 – Sept, 30, 2024: Renovation / Construction
- Sept, 2023 – Dec, 2024: Strategic Planning with HUB Agency Partners
- June, 2024 – Jan, 2025: Hire HUB Staff & Training
- Oct, 2024: Grand Opening / Community Open House
- Fall, 2022– Jan, 2025: Ongoing Community Engagement
Community meetings and focus groups to collect feedback and input from residents
- Fall, 2024: Soft launch of programming, including community meals & events.
- November, 2024: Grand Opening
To learn more, download a HUB Project Summary HERE.
or contact Suzanne Upton, Director of Major Gifts & Foundations at