Family Services
Discovering Options and Enhancing Skills
Peace Neighborhood Center’s Family Services are comprised of a number of programs that work together in conjunction with Peace’s mission of helping individuals discover options, enhance skills, and make choices that lead to self-sufficiency and positive community involvement. The support structures these services provide are capable of breaking cycles of poverty and leading individuals toward stronger, healthier and more productive lives.
Family Enrichment Program
The Family Enrichment Program (FEP) includes family events and outings as well as adult-only workshops. FEP is mandatory for parents who have children attending youth programs. On average, over 80 families each year participate in weekly workshops that address a variety of topics chosen to help strengthen and expand a parent’s knowledge and skills. The goal of the workshops is to help adults improve their parenting and management of their household.

Peace’s Wellness Center Program
In 2022, Peace launched a new Wellness Program to help parents, youth, and families improve their mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health and well-being. The program is intentionally designed to give parents and families multiple ways to participate and seek different levels of therapeutic care and support. Weekly Wellness Activities offer a range of activities—from yoga and mindfulness to arts & crafts. Parents learn important strategies to manage daily stressors and incorporate self-care into their lives. Age-specific Support Groups for both youth and parents provide the chance to discuss shared experiences and challenges, which also help build important connections and a supportive network among youth peers and families. Peace’s two licensed clinical social workers offer trauma-informed behavioral therapy on site at Peace for youth, parents and families.
Case Management
Case Management Services work one-on-one with families and individuals throughout the community who find themselves in situations requiring help. This program offers everything from financial to emotional support. Whether it was preventing a family’s heat from being shut off, advocating on their behalf with another agency or offering help with toys and food during the holidays, the Peace staff provides assistance to over 400 households in Washtenaw County each year.